Step 2: Get an RPP bond


What is the Release Prior to payment (RPP) program?

It is a form of security that importers will need to post with the CBSA.

The RPP program entitles Importers to: 

    • Obtain the release of goods from the CBSA before paying duties and taxes.
    • Defer accounting for goods. 
    • Defer payment of duties and taxes. 

All importers who wish to participate in the RPP program will be required to enroll in RPP and post financial security.

Importers will no longer be allowed to use their broker’s financial security to participate in RPP. 

Importers that are not RPP participants would continue to have the option to pay full duties and taxes at the time of release, at a port of entry (CASH Entry).


CBSA User Guide Enroll in a CBSA sub-program