California Port Pileup

The labor unrest at West Coast ports caused massive congestions back in 2015. This pales in comparison to the current state of events unfolding at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, as stated by the American Shipper.
Service Cancellations Caused by Box Port Delays

Exceptionally long delays to vessels caused by congestion in Asian and North American ports are causing major global container lines to cancel significant numbers of east-west services.
Understanding Ocean Freight Fundamentals

Ocean freight is one of the most affordable shipping methods but it can be complicated. Learn the key questions you should be asking as an importer or exporter when considering ocean freight.
CANADA – Audit Verification Priorities for 2021

Verifications are used to ensure that importers comply with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) programs and requirements.
CARM: Increased Visibility to Canadian Import Data

The CBSA is rolling out the CARM Client Portal, an online initiative to increase visibility to Canadian import data. The multi-year initiative will roll out in two phases starting in May 2021.
Ship Smarter: Debunking Common Truck Freight Myths

Best practices for truck freight transportation so you can make better shipping decisions, from building a diversified trucking portfolio to looking past the discounted rates.
8 Step Logistics Plan

8 Step Logistics Plan SHARE Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Here at JORI Logistics, we exist to provide local businesses high leverage in the competitive global market. The logistics behind international trade may not excite most people; however, if you are looking to gain a competitive advantage over the Canadian Import/Export […]

The new NAFTA: Importers or exporters can leverage USMCA, USMCA or T-MEC to ship products across North America duty free. The catch? Updated rules mean new certificates of origin are needed.
How to use Incoterms to your Advantage

How to use Incoterms to your Advantage Incoterms are a set of 11 internationally recognized rules that define who’s responsible for arranging and paying for transportation between a buyer and seller. Established in 1936, Incoterms stands for International Commercial Terms. Incoterms aren’t mandatory in international trade but they do make things easier because they clearly […]
NEW Single Window Initiative (SWI)

NEW Single Window Initiative (SWI) Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is reducing shipment release times by decommissioning its legacy paper system on August 17, 2020. Customs brokers will be required to submit an Integrated Import Declaration (IID) which must include the mandatory data elements from CBSA and all other Participating Government Departments and Agencies (PGA’s) […]