CARM Support Services Rollout

CARM Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there a difference between the CARM Portal and the JORI CBSA Statement balances?

Discrepancies can occur for various reasons. Before contacting JORI, follow these steps to investigate potential causes:

  • Transactions processed by other customs brokers

    • Check if another customs broker handled any of your transactions.
    • Ensure the other broker is paying the CBSA fees for their transactions on your behalf.
    • Avoid duplicate payments—if you or another broker already paid these fees, do not pay the unreconciled balance shown in your JORI CBSA Statement.

  • Duplicate payments

    • Double-check the payment history in your CARM portal.
    • Look for payments made by other customs brokers or by you directly.
    • Verify these against the JORI CBSA Statement to ensure no duplicates.

  • Amendments made directly in the CARM portal

    • Review your CARM portal for changes made to CAD statements after the 17th of the month.
    • Recommendation: Avoid making changes to CAD statements if you are an Option 1 or 2 client, as these often result in unreconciled balances.

  • Payments not yet processed by CBSA

    • Check if CBSA has processed your recent payments. Delayed processing can temporarily create discrepancies.

  • CBSA penalties, assessments, or interest charges

    • Look for penalties or interest charges applied directly to your CARM portal.
    • If you’re unsure about these charges, contact us for clarification.
    • JORI can assist with managing or disputing these charges (fees may apply).

  • Errors or misapplied payments by CBSA

    • CBSA applies payments to the oldest invoices first.
    • Check for older invoices that might have been cleared unexpectedly. These transactions may include amounts processed by another customs broker or interest charges.

  • Open payments or credits on account

    • CBSA may not have applied a payment and left it as “open.”
    • Use the ‘allocate credit’ option in the CARM portal to apply the payment to the appropriate transaction.

  • Unresolved balances from previous months

    • Compare the starting balance on your CARM portal to the unreconciled difference between the JORI CBSA Statement and the CARM portal. This will help you determine if the discrepancy originates from an older balance.

  • Non-payment to JORI

    • Ensure you have made payment for the outstanding transaction to JORI by the due date.

  • CBSA does not have a record of payment

How can I access my CARM Portal to investigate discrepancies?

To access your CARM Portal:

  1. Go to the CARM portal login page: [CARM Portal Link].
  2. Enter your credentials and log in.
  3. Navigate to your account summary to review balances, transaction history, and outstanding charges.

Tip: Compare transaction details in your CARM Portal with the JORI CBSA Statement for a complete picture.

Can I pay my unreconciled balance through JORI?

Yes, you can pay your CARM unreconciled balance directly through JORI:

  • Call 1-888-699-CARM to process your payment by credit card.
  • Payments through JORI are free of disbursement fees unless the transaction was invoiced by JORI for a specific service and processed via Helcim, in which case a fee applies.
  • Payments are limited to amounts of $5,000 or less (the maximum accepted by the CARM portal).
  • Our team ensures the payment is applied accurately to your CARM account.

Tip: This is for paying the unreconciled CARM balance amount, not the JORI Statement of Account

How can I prevent discrepancies in the future?

To minimize the likelihood of discrepancies and ensure smooth CARM account management, consider the following recommendations:

  • Select JORI as your exclusive customs broker:

    • Utilizing a single broker simplifies reconciliation and reduces discrepancies.
    • Clients managing multiple brokers must allocate significant resources to CARM obligations. This is because reconciling issues across multiple brokers is complex, and brokers typically cannot address discrepancies caused by other brokers.
    • Using multiple customs brokers also creates potential compliance risks. Different brokers may use varying customs databases, leading to the same product being assigned different HS codes. This inconsistency raises red flags with CBSA and increases the likelihood of audits or penalties.

  • Establish a clear payment process for GST and duties:

    • Decide whether to pay all GST and duty directly to CBSA yourself or delegate the responsibility to your broker.
    • Avoid a hybrid approach where some payments are made directly and others through a broker. This creates significant reconciliation challenges and increases the risk of errors.

  • Notify JORI promptly of account or transaction changes:

    • Keep us informed of any updates to your account or changes in your customs transactions. Timely communication helps us address potential issues proactively.

  • Proactive Steps:
    • Resolve duplicate payments, missing transactions, or CBSA errors as soon as they are identified. Taking immediate action prevents discrepancies from compounding over time.

By following these recommendations, you can ensure efficient CARM management and reduce risks associated with customs compliance.

Why don’t the amounts on the JORI Statement of Account match the JORI CBSA Statement?

The JORI Statement of Account and the JORI CBSA Statement serve different purposes and are based on different date ranges:

  • JORI CBSA Statement:

    • Reflects customs-related GST, duties, and CBSA fees for transactions processed between the 18th of the previous month and the 17th of the current month.
    • This aligns directly with your CARM Portal balance.

  • JORI Statement of Account:

    • Includes all services JORI provides, such as freight, warehousing, and service fees, in addition to customs-related charges.

These differences in scope and date range can lead to discrepancies between the two statements.

The JORI Statement of Account reflects all services provided by JORI and is based on the capabilities of our current brokerage software. The JORI CBSA Statement and the CARM Portal balance are aligned to customs-related transactions only and provide a consistent reference for reconciling your CARM balance.

What happens if I don’t pay my CARM balance?

Unpaid balances result in:

  • Daily interest charges: CBSA applies interest to overdue amounts.
  • Increased scrutiny: Importers with unpaid balances are more likely to face CBSA audits or inspections.
  • Suspension of privileges: Persistent non-payment can lead to suspension of customs privileges.

Recommendation: Pay outstanding balances promptly to avoid these risks.

How often should I log in to the CARM Portal?

To maintain account activity and prevent suspension:

  • Log in to your CARM Portal at least once every 180 days.
  • Regularly check balances and transaction history to identify and address issues early.

Can JORI reconcile my CARM Portal for me?

Yes, JORI offers reconciliation services under our support plans:

  • Option 2 (CARM Monitoring)

    • Includes 2 free hours of troubleshooting and reconciliation annually.

  • Option 3 (CARM Monitoring PREMIUM):

    • Includes 4 free hours of troubleshooting and reconciliation annually.

  • Additional reconciliation time is billed at $95/hour.

How can I contact CBSA for help with my CARM account?

For direct assistance with your CARM account: